Meet Blackledge’s Instructional Staff!
Nicole Damarjian – Director of Instruction

Blackledge is pleased to have Nicole Damarjian as the Director of Instruction at our new state-of-the-art practice facility. She was recently awarded Golf Digest’s Best in State and Top 50 Instructor from the LPGA. She received her Ph.D. in sport psychology from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She has coauthored several research papers and book chapters on the psychology of sport and has published various magazine articles specifically related to the psychology of golf. Nicole has been a Class A member of the LPGA since 1997 and currently serves as an instructor in the LPGA’s Teacher Education Program, where she shares her expertise in motor learning with other golf professionals from around the world. Nicole has coached both professional and amateur golfers and enjoys empowering individuals to reach their true potential.
To schedule an individual lesson with Nicole: Book a Lesson – BirdieBound
To purchase a gift certificate for lessons with Nicole: Gift Certificates – BirdieBound
Check out the links below to learn more about Nicole’s Junior Programs:
BirdieBound Junior Golf Academies (children age 7-14)
BirdieBound Pee Wee Pros (children age 3-6)
PGA Jr League (children age 9-13)
LPGA*USGA Girls Golf (girls age 7-14)
Check out the links below to learn more about Nicole’s Adult Programs:

Kevin Higgins – Director of Operations
Kevin has been the Head Golf Professional at Blackledge Country Club since 1992. With over 30 years of teaching experience, Kevin enjoys teaching players of all ability levels. To book a lesson with Kevin email, or call (860) 228-0250.
1 Hour Private Lesson – $100
1/2 Hour Private Lesson – $65

John Martinchek – Golf Professional
John Martinchek has been a Golf Professional for over 25 years. An excellent player, John holds the course record for both of our 18 hole courses. John specializes in short game lessons, and enjoys working with golfers of all abilities. To book a lesson with John email, or call (860) 228-0250.
1 Hour Private Lesson – $100
1/2 Hour Private Lesson – $65
Eric DeStefano : Golf Professional / Coach

Blackledge C.C. welcomes Eric DeStefano to their coaching staff. Eric has been teaching golf for over 25 years. He was Director of Golf at Twin Hills CC. and Tallwood C.C. for many years. He has coached high school golf for 20 years, worked with many college players and taught numerous Junior Camps and Women’s Academies.
Eric has a Sport’s Management degree and an Agronomy Certificate, and he is the owner and operator of The Golf Factory in Coventry. This repair shop has all your regripping and re-shafting needs!
Eric has worked with many amazing instructors and has attended several educational seminars with top instructors such as Jim Suttie, David Ledbetter and Jim McClain.
Eric is a successful instructor and coach and is looking forward to teaching with the Blackledge family. Eric is an ambassador of the game and always looks forward to his next challenge in the game of Golf.
1 Hour Private Lesson – $100
1/2 Hour Private Lesson – $65